Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Dear Elah,
  Yesterday, God brought you into this world. A you are the most beautiful baby I have ever seen.
I can't tell you how happy I was when I first saw you, its just indescribable. When they layed you on your Mommy's chest the nurse was in my way and I couldn't see you that good, but when she moved you looked straight at me and my heart melted.
And when I held you for the first time I just couldn't keep my eyes off of you. You cried at first, but then you warmed up to me.
Then when we gave you back to your Mom I just looked at both you and your Mother and just thought to myself, " I am one extremely blessed husband and father."
It is now the day after you were born. I am sitting here in the room at the hospital at the table typing this and watching you and listening to your Mom snore.
Elah, I am so glad you are finally here. My little sweet pea.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Dear Elah,
You are gonna have two of the best friends growing up. One is really laid back and loves to get belly rubs from time to time, and the other is well...... Special lol.

This is Snickers. We have had her for almost as long as Me and Mommy have been together.
Shes a very easy going dog, that LOVES to cuddle. But if you feel like playing shes all for it.
Snickers is probably the sweetest dog I have ever had, shes more human acting than dog. She loves laying in the sun and getting belly rubs.

This is Mudgett, Hes a a crazy but loving little mutt.
He has the longest legs of any dog you will probably ever meet. He may be hyper, but if you ever need a little buddy to watch after you hes the one for you. I'm sure he will love you like he loves me and your Mommy. And will probably be really protective over you.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Dear Elah,
Now I'm gonna tell you about the Flints. The Flints are really good friends of your Mom and Me, and they will be your God Parents.
Lets start with Nathan and Janelle.
They are two very loving parents, and are the type of people that will go to the ends of the earth for you if you needed them to.
They are both Godly people, and share their faith with anyone they can.
Next is Joseph. Joseph is a very special little boy. He loves to sing, he loves to read, and he loves his God.
Then there is Jesse and Joyann. They are twins, and they will make really good friends for you. They already love you, and when your Mom goes over to watch them, they say hey to you first and hug your mommies belly.
And last but not least, there is James and Jonathan. They are also twins. They will be a year older than you when you are born. They are some happy baby's. Jonathan is always going and hardly ever stops.
James is the bashful one. Hes always smiling and just takes each day as they come.
Everyone of them will be Excellent role models to you, and I am positive they will all be your best friends.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Dear Elah,
I want to tell you about someone who is very special to your mom and me. I may be your Daddy, but he is an even better Daddy than I am, and can offer you a lot more than I can.
He is Almighty God.
He already knows you, and knew he was gonna create you at this specific time for a reason.
Everyone on this earth is His children. You are mine and Mommy's daughter, but first and foremost your Gods daughter.
I can't wait to tell you all the story's I know of all the amazing miracles he has done.
One being you, your our little miracle.
He has a son that you will get to know also. His name is Jesus, and he will always be there for you when no one else is. When you are able to understand, I will tell you of the greatest thing he ever did for you.
But right now I just want to tell you who he is. You see he is Gods only son, but he is also God. I know its a little confusing but you will start to understand.
He is a light in the darkness, and offers hope to everyone who calls on his name.
And when you are old enough to do that very thing, you will make Me your Mom and Him so happy. He will be so happy that every angel in heaven with sing with joy.
Its hard for me to explain all of this on here, so I'm gonna tell you about it more in person.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Dear Elah,
Now I'm gonna tell you about your two Great-Grandmothers on my side of the family.
Lets start with Maw Maw,
Shes a very loving, and caring person. she already has many great-grandchildren and she will love you just as much.
Shes the type of person who would do anything for you. Shes the type of person that if you ask her for say, 2 eggs, to cook something with, she will give you the whole carton.
She will always cut up with you, and make you laugh.
She used to make some of the best biscuits and vegetable soup, I can still taste them.
Shes not able to make them anymore though. but I sure wish she could.

Now lets talk about Nanny.
I was her first grandchild, and you will be her very first great-grandchild.
She has already spoiled you rotten and you haven't even got here yet.
Nanny is a very loving person also, and will do anything for you, especially feed you.
And her cooking...... Oh let me tell you about her cooking. Your daddy learned everything he knows about cooking from Nanny. She also makes some on the best biscuits ever. And if she makes biscuits, and gravy, oh my goodness.
Anyways your Daddy is getting hungry thinking about her cooking so lets move on.
She will play with you if you ask her. and maybe on a warm day take you down to the lake to play. She always tries to put others before herself, though she really shouldn't. And most of all she will always be there for you, and will never stop worrying about you.


Saturday, December 4, 2010


Dear Elah,
I want you to know about your grandparents who have went on to heaven.
Lets start with with your Great-Grandpa Oscar. I don't really know a lot about him, cause he went to heaven before I was born, but from what your Paw Paw has told me, he was a good hearted, loving man who would have probably spoiled you rotten.

Then there is your Great-Grandpa Buster(My "Paw Paw"). He went to heaven when I was about 5, and from what I remember, he loved all of his grand children a lot, he would let me, and your cousin Jessica get away with anything. Although sometimes he would have to get his belt out after us.

Your Great-Great-Grandma Robinson "Big Grandma", she went to heaven when Iwas little to.
I can't remember a whole lot about her, but I do remember when she would come down to visit, she would stay and Nanny's house for a week or so, and she would get the walking farts. It was funny cause she didn't know she was doing it, and she sounded like a horse every time.

Each one of them would have loved you just as much as the other. One day you will meet them to, in heaven a long time from now.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Dear Elah,
I want you tell you about your Uncle Josh tonight. Hes my little brother.
When we found out your Mommy was pregnant with you, he wanted us to name you Denise, so you would be "Da Niece" and he would be "Da Uncle". You probably won't understand the humor in that until your older though.
Josh has been a great brother to me over the years, and he will be a great Uncle to you.
He told me he wanted to be the "Cool Uncle"
If you ever want anyone to goof off with, hes your man.
I know he will always be there if you need someone to talk to, if me or your mom isn't around or to read you a story, or just play games with.
He will always watch out for you, like I watch out for him, and like he watches out for me.
I know you will grow to love him like the rest of us do.
- Dad

Friday, November 26, 2010


Dear Elah,
Tonight I want to tell you about your grandparents.
You have four of the most unbelievable grandparents, lets start with Nana.
Shes my Mommy, and she is a REALLY good one to, and she is gonna make an awesome grandma.
Shes always full of love, and she will always be there for you no matter what.
And she is gonna spoil you rotten.
Then theres Paw Paw. Hes my Daddy.
If you think Nana will spoil you rotten, Paw Paw will be even worse.
Hes the type grandpa that will probably let you get by with anything. You will have me wrapped around your finger, but you will have him wrapped around even more.
You also have Ni Ni. That's Mommys Mom.
Shes will also spoil you rotten, shes will also be a very loving grandma and will do anything for you.
Now last but not least your Papaw. That's your Mommys Daddy.
And hes like Paw Paw, You will have him wrapped around your little finger, and he will probably let you get by with just about anything.
And if you ever want someone to play Pretty, Pretty Princess with you, hes your man.


Monday, November 22, 2010


Dear Elah,
Today I want to tell you about your Mom.
Shes the most amazing person, and she is gonna be a great mother to you. I was lucky to have found her.
She loves kids, and when we found out about you she was so happy, cause we were afraid we would never meet you.
Right now I'm sure she wishes you would stop stretching in her belly cause its keeping her awake at night, but there won't be much more of that.
I agreed to go to work during the day, while your Mommy stayed home with you, and you are gonna love every minute of it. You will have so much fun, and I'm sure she will even take you to the Flints every time she gets for you to play. I'll tell you about them some other time.
I will tell you now. You are one lucky little girl to have her be your Mommy.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Dear Elah,
You may not know me yet, but I'm your Daddy. You may still be in your Mommies belly, but I have felt you many times, and with each kick I grow to love you more and more.
You will meet me in a few weeks I hope, and I'll go ahead and warn you, I'm not the best lookin guy, so if you cry when you look at me I'll understand.
I'm not that good with baby's, but I hope that you will break that for me.
I want you to know that no matter what, I will always be here for you, whether its to wipe your stinky butt, or to wipe the tears from your eyes.
You are my angel, and I love you very much.