The year was 1998, and I had just started 5th grade at Black Mountain Elementary. I was in Mrs. Eubanks class, little did I know that my future wife, and mother of my child would be in that same class with me.
We went the whole year and never spoke to each other, probably cause I was to shy to talk to anyone.
I remember thinking she was the "Smart Girl" that was always right and never got in trouble.
After fifth grade we went into middle school, then into highschool and never payed any attention to each other, and never really knew each other.
While I was in ninth grade, I was having a really hard time in school, not only with my grades, but with people picking on me for being quiet, and because I loved the band KISS. So I dropped out.
The next three years I spent getting my GED online at abtech(I wanted to take my time so I would do good, that's why it took me so long).
Anyways during this time my cousin Kevin, had told me about this new site called myspace. It was free to make a profile, and you could meet, or keep in touch with people.
At the end of 2005, I found Sarah on Myspace, and I figured, "hey, why not" so I sent her a friend request, and she accepted. We talked off and on, but that's about it.
During this time, my girlfriend at the time and I broke up, so I was single once again. I was pretty down about it, but little did I know, that someone even better was about to come along.
I started talking to Sarah on Myspace quite a bit, just as friends, shes was crushing on a guy she knew at the time, and I was starting grow more found of her(but she didn't know)
Christmas came, and went, and it was now 2006 and we were talking on an everyday basis now, and the guy she was into kinda blew her off, so he was outta the picture.
She was playing a gig at the retirement home I worked at, with a musician named Dave, and she asked me to come along and watch her play. so I did, and of course me being me, I didn't really say alot.
We started to hang out more often, we went to the mall and hung out, like typical teenagers do. by this time it was getting close to Valentines Day, we planned this big anti-valentines day thing with one of her friends.
Valentines day came and her friend got sick, so that just left the two of us.
We went to Las Casuelas( The mexican restarunt in Black Mountain) and ate dinner, then we decided to go rent a few movies, and go to my house to watch them. I can't remember all the movies we rented, but I do remember getting Friday The 13th: Jason Lives. Classic horror movie, Altought I think she thought it was kinda lame. While we watched the movies we sat on my bed, with our hands by our sides and our hands kept touching(Later on I found out she did it intentionaly). And of course I was to shy to hold her hand, so we just sat there awkwardly, watching the movie.
The next day, I had to work, so we planned to hang out at her parents house after I got off and watch movies. I think we were watching the Notebook, and she was laying down with her head on my lap(Her first move)Then she grabbed my hand( Her second move) I remember thinking,"Either shes into me or shes just really friendly".
Later on through the movie, she looked up at me, and I looked at her, and she kissed me.(Her third move. I know, I was a wimp) At this point, I'm on cloud nine.
That night after I left(I had to leave by eleven, her parents rules) I got a text from her on my phone saying," So does this mean we're dating?" I replied back,"I sure hope so!" And that was it from there.
Our First Picture Together 2006
Now, almost five years later, we are married, and expecting our first child. I couldn't be happier.
Pregnacy Picture/Christmas Picture 2010